Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Riesberg Assignment #11

Riesberg Assignment #1

Cowboy’s player, Josh Brent, was sitting on the sidelines on Saturdays game against the Steelers. Brent is the defensive tackle for the Cowboys. He was currently facing intoxication manslaughter charges for a car crash. The car crash killed Brent’s teammate, Jerry Brown. Cowboys say that he isn’t welcome on the sidelines any longer though. Some people say he belongs on the sidelines with his teammates, supporting them. But the coach and NFL agreed that he no longer sit on the sidelines. Many fans and news reporters were not happy about Brent sitting on the sidelines. Much criticism was made towards Brent and the coaches. One of the coaches said he didn’t even know Brent was out there until after the game started. An injured player on reserve had brought Brent out there with him. Fans thought it was disrespectful having Brent sitting on the sidelines smiling after he had killed one of his own teammates. Brent was asked to leave during the third quarter. Coaches say he will no longer be on the sidelines. For Cowboys, this is kind of a loss, but it’s a disgrace for what he did. He shouldn’t have been driving drunk. He gets paid millions to play football, and that’s what he should be doing now. He may have ruined his career, but coaches don’t know if he will be back or not.

NBC Sports- Click Here

Riesberg Assignment #11

Riesberg Assignment #1

Two cousins went missing in July. Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins were found by hunters in the woods. They went missing mysteriously while going on a bike ride. The girl's bikes and purses were found near the lake. That left police thinking they had drowned. Right after they went missing, police had drained the lake hoping they could find them right away. It's been a hard, long time for the parents of these two cousins. It has not been said how the girls had died yet. The mother of Lyric Cook doesn't want to know either. She's too scared to know what happened to them. At least they died together though. Many Christmas trees in their hometown were decorated with pink ribbons. Parents thought their would be one or two trees, but now it’s many tress! Many people are keeping them in their prayers and hoping that they didn’t die a horrible death. They were way too young for this to happen, being only 10 and 8 years old. After the news of the missing girls, many volunteers came to help search for them. They searched and searched, but never found them. Finally, they were found. Police have no idea who did this. They don’t know if they have enough information to even find that out. But they won’t give up. They will keep fighting.

CNN report- Click Here

Monday, December 17, 2012

Riesberg Assignment #1

A tragic event occurred in Connecticut on Friday, December 14. A shooter came into the school and started shooting. It all happened at an elementary school. 20 first graders were killed and 6 adults were shot. Some of those adults were shot trying to save the little children. They put there life at risk for the children. They died being a hero. It was a huge loss for many families and the school. The shooter was a teacher's son. His name was Adam Lanza. Police had no idea why he would do such a thing. Adam killed his mother in their home before going to Sandy Elementary School. Neighbors and friends say that Adam had some kind of disorder, and that's why he was being homeschooled by his mother and also, police think that is why he went shooting these children. This school shooting was ranked second deadliest in the world. It was a horrible event that occurred. None of these little children will ever see a day again. Families and staff members are mourning over the loss. It will take awhile for this to hit reality. Things are going to take awhile for things to get back to normal at the school. Police are still investigating this shooting. The event happened so fast that people didn’t really know what to do. The elementary school has practiced a lock down many times and most knew what to do. We pray for the victims of Sandy Elementary School.

Connecticut Shooting Link- Click Here

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Vacation Prezi

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tech Article Assignment #5

Technology can sometimes be useful sometimes, but for a 23 year old named Emmanuel Jerome it only helped for the police. Emmanuel and some of his friends were robbing a house. They didn’t turn on the lights though. So Emmanuel decided to use his flashlight on his iPhone. His hands were shaking though and he accidently started recording. He has also committed some other crimes. He was sentenced to 44 weeks in jail for the burglary. iPhones can be really helpful sometimes, but other can get you in trouble. They can also be very dangerous. To you and others around you. Cellular phones have taken over our world. People have used them for things like burglaries and much more. I personally do not have an iPhone, but I think they could be helpful in some situations. I also think they are stupid. Technology is so advanced it can do pretty much anything it wants to. I think that people should always keep their phone locked just in case you ever lose it because if you lose it, people can get into your information and personal stuff. Phones can be dangerous yet helpful in some situations. Just don’t make the mistake to turn on your video while you are robbing a place. Ha. I bet this guy feels a little stupid. Especially since this wasn’t the only video on his phone.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tech Assignment #4

Many people think of their own passwords, usually creative and different. But there is a list of a top 25 worst passwords out there. What do you think is number one? Password is at the number one password. The top three have stayed there for over a year now. Number two is 123456. Number three is 12345678. Very creative, don’t you think? If you have an easy password, it is very easy for people to hack your accounts and get information. Companies are hoping by putting this out there, it will make people change their passwords that they will only know. Never give out information or passwords to ANYONE. Think of passwords that would only apply to you. For an example, make it your childrens names if you have them, or pets names. You could even change it to a friends name or your favorite thing and then a number. Most people use an activity they like to do plus a favorite number or the year they were born in. People hack into others account daily. Protect your account now! Don’t give out passwords and be creative with them! Make different websites, different passwords. Don’t use the same password for every website and account you have.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tech Article Assignment #3

People all over pay thousands of dollars for things signed by famous people. The silliest thing that probably anyone has bought was a gallon of barbeque sauce that dated back to 1992 that was bought from eBay. A lot of weird, different things are bought on eBay and anywhere else.  How did this sell for? About $10,000! That is crazy! But 1992 was a pretty big year for barbeque sauce. This certain barbeque sauce was important; it wasn’t just regular bbq sauce. It was old sauce from McDonald’s promotion of the McJordan Burger. It was a celebration of Michael Jordan, a really famous basketball player. Who would pay this much for bbq sauce?! A person with a lot of money that likes Michael Jordan. This will go down in McDonald’s history. This person that bought the bbq sauce, will also be famous for a while. Everyone thinks that this is a very strange thing to buy, but he is very much enjoying it. Another odd thing that someone has recently put in there house was a $41,000 fridge that is 8 feet wide. This doesn’t really tie in with the McJordan Burger, but it shows that people are buying silly things that cost outrages amounts of money.

McJordan Article

Burger Video

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tech Article Assignment #2

The iPad Mini will be coming out soon. The price is still not set for selling it. But the price to make each of these is are $200. The screen, WiFi, and model are the most expensive pieces on the iPad Mini. This will soon be the next big thing out there. People have heard that the price may be between $249 and $330. Apple thinks that they will have a profit of 35-58% increase. This is a good number for Apple. I think that people are thinking of crazy ideas. I don’t think the iPad Mini will be a huge selling item, nor will it be very interesting and creative. The iPad Mini is just like all the different tablets out there. The iPad Mini will probably be really similar to the regular iPad, it will just be “mini”, which in my opinion is pointless. We have smart phones that will probably do the same thing as the iPad Mini.  Do you think people will really pay $200 or more for something we already have out there that might only cost you $100 or less? I think Apple is just coming up with ridiculous ideas. Technology is becoming way more advanced. Apple already has a bunch of profits coming in from the recent iPhone 5 coming out.

Tech URL


Tech Article Assignment #1

Verizon sold over 3.1 million iPhone in a quarter, but only about 651,000 were the brand new iPhone 5. Apple was expecting a lot more iPhone 5’s to be sold, but they are still happy with the sales. The iPhone 5 cost about $199-$299, it all depends on the carrier. Although Apple was disappointed in the sales, Verizon was really happy. They made a pretty good profit out of it. Verizon made about $1.6 billion for the quarter, which is up around 16% for 2011.  This is an incredible number for them. About 53% of Verizon’s customers now use smartphones. The world has become way more advanced. It’s over ruling us in a way. I think the future will be all technology. We will probably barely have to do anything; computers and technology will do it all for us. My thoughts on the iPhone are not very good. I don’t think we need 5 different iPhones. It kind of outrages how much these cost. Apple is making so much more money from just changing small things on the iPhone, like changing the charger and cords. They are making a lot more just from that. Technology is more advanced than some people. Technology advances without us even noticing.

Article URL

iPhone Video

Friday, September 28, 2012


Homecoming this year was pretty fun. :) It was pretty different from last year. It was fun being at the high school this year. I love seeing all the people dress up and be really excited about it. I loved Baddeley Day and Character Day. Some people dressed up really good.
I did not dress up for any days, but I enjoyed watching others outfits. I really liked Brent Van Erdewyk's batman costume and the two people who dressed up in pac man costumes. It was really creative and enjoyable to see. I kind of wish we had more decorations around the school or some days that more people could dress up for, and maybe some creative ideas. Like, Baddeley day, that was the most creative probably. But all in all, it was fun. :)

Friday, September 14, 2012


If I could invent an app, it would be called Homework? It would be a free app! This app will help out many people! It will answer ANY homework question you could have. It will kind of be like searching it on the internet, but MUCH easier. You will only have to type in the question and subject. The question and answer will then pop up!
 It will be free because it's really annoying when apps cost money! I think many people would use this app. Mainly ages 13-18 probably. Many people might consider this cheating or being lazy. But this app is just to help people out on homework. Homework? is not just an app that will just have to words written out. It will also talk to you too! This app is really going to help people out and I think it will be a huge hit! :)

Click here for a link to a similar app. :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I picked this picture because I thought it was really cute and cool. I loved editing all different kinds of pictures. I used many effects on it. I used a polaroid frame. I just changed the color to make it stick out more. I made the sun stick out more to make it brighter. I think it looks a lot better. :) 
(My picture background is black and white. It blends into my blog. Sorry.) 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


One item technology I couldn't live without would probably my phone. I have a smart phone so I could always use it for homework and internet. Including Facebook, Google, Twitter, and ect. It's also a really good way to communicate with friends and family. If I didn't have it, I would feel lost without it. I carry my phone everywhere I go usually. I also always have it just in case of an emergency.If technology didn't exist, the world would be boring. I wouldn't be writing this blog right now. It would seem strange if we didn't have technology.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer 2012.(:

This summer vacation I did a lot of different things. It wasn't as fun as most summers are, but it was still fun. Probably the biggest thing I did this summer was going to Washington D.C. We went as a school trip in July. My favorite part of that was going to the beach in Delaware. We also visited New York City. That was an interesting part for me. I would never want to live there. There is too many people!

This summer I also got to see an old friend. He moved the summer after 4th grade. He was my best friend. I was so sad when he moved, but we still kept in touch for a while. Then we slowly drifted apart. He moved to Auburn, Nebraska. This summer he came up to Carroll with his band, Almost To The Other Side, and performed. They are really good! It was great to see him. I wish he still lived here.

My vacation this summer was camping. My mom got a camper and we went and spent a week at Lake View. It was super fun! I love being outdoors. We did a lot of stuff up there including fishing, putt putt golf, 4 mile bike rides, and much more. It got a little boring towards the end because we were running out of ideas. I would love to go up there and camp again though. Although my summer include some boring days of just sitting around, I also got to do a lot of fun stuff!