Monday, December 17, 2012

Riesberg Assignment #1

A tragic event occurred in Connecticut on Friday, December 14. A shooter came into the school and started shooting. It all happened at an elementary school. 20 first graders were killed and 6 adults were shot. Some of those adults were shot trying to save the little children. They put there life at risk for the children. They died being a hero. It was a huge loss for many families and the school. The shooter was a teacher's son. His name was Adam Lanza. Police had no idea why he would do such a thing. Adam killed his mother in their home before going to Sandy Elementary School. Neighbors and friends say that Adam had some kind of disorder, and that's why he was being homeschooled by his mother and also, police think that is why he went shooting these children. This school shooting was ranked second deadliest in the world. It was a horrible event that occurred. None of these little children will ever see a day again. Families and staff members are mourning over the loss. It will take awhile for this to hit reality. Things are going to take awhile for things to get back to normal at the school. Police are still investigating this shooting. The event happened so fast that people didn’t really know what to do. The elementary school has practiced a lock down many times and most knew what to do. We pray for the victims of Sandy Elementary School.

Connecticut Shooting Link- Click Here

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